St. Augustine Florida Boat Tour

A good way to get an overview of the layout of North America's oldest city: boat tour in the intracoastal waterway just off St. Augustine, Florida. This week I posted photos from my Easter weekend in St. Auggie, 2015. Includes photos of the Bridge of Lions, St. Augustine Lighthouse and a 280-foot cross.

Dade City, FL, HDR Photography

A few months ago I photographed Dade City – the same small Florida town where I encountered an unexpected parade that I posted about. I returned shortly thereafter with my photography phriend Paula Showen, whom I’ve mentioned before. That day she taught me how to photograph for the HDR technique. I’ve mentioned that before, too, in my last post about Florida Polytechnic’s IST building and the Airstream Ranch.

Therefore, this post is actually more about the photographic HDR process than Dade City, but I’m including some interesting history of the place sprinkled in. read more

Florida Polytechnic University’s IST Building: Awe-Inspiring Architecture!

This week I have a simply stunning piece of architecture to show you! It’s the Innovation, Science and Technology (IST) building at Florida Polytechnic University in Lakeland.

In my post about the Airstream Ranch last week, I mentioned I’d seen sights along Interstate 4 recently I never knew existed. The IST at Florida Polytechnic was a prime example. (FYI: In the same post last week I also described the HDR digital photo process that gives photos a marvelous depth and interest. I used that process for the photo of the IST above.)ist calatrava read more